Hmm. Methinks I have been neglecting this little blog. I have a few highlights to catch up on!
1. Justin is home! Apparently his return date was moved up a week even before he left, but he decided to keep it under wraps to surprise me. He gave me 24-hours notice that he was coming home, which then turned into 48-hours notice when his jet was grounded for maintenaince issues the next day. He knew he'd be in trouble if he didn't give me some kind of warning! The whole thing was a kind of comedy of errors. I had scheduled my latest appt for the day, unbeknownst to me at the time, Justin was supposed to return. He enlisted Olivia's help asking me to watch her son that day so that I would reschedule my appt. Which I did. For the following day. Which is actually the day Justin came home. Oops. It was a nice try. I've been going out of town for my appts, but I was able to drive straight to base and make it just in time for his landing.
2. God continues to rule out one concern after another with this pregnancy! I never did write a post about how the whole band/sheet thing shook out. Well, as soon as we heard about the doctors' concerns, Justin started praying for it to disappear. I told him I didn't get the impression that's how it would work out, based on what the doctors said. But when I went in for my appointment, I learned that's exactly what was happening! I finally saw images of this...whatever it is...from all of my previous ultrasounds. At 16 weeks it ran the entire length of an ultrasound image. At 18 weeks it was much shorter, and at this appt it had shortened so much they almost couldn't find it! So while I think it was officially classified as a sheet, it's really fairly irrelevant because it's gone now, whatever it was. The next smaller concern was placenta previa, and that was also resolved at my most recent appt last week. Hallelujah! But there's something new at every appt, and this time it was anemia. But all that means is I have to take an iron supplement. I think we can handle that one. :)
3. Justin got his orders to Altus, OK, where he will be an instructor. He should have pretty steady hours, but it's also likely that he will have one six-month deployment. Six months! People do it all the time, but I can barely survive two. So that will be an adventure if and when that happens. I'm glad he got his orders and that there weren't any surprises, but I'm still not ready to leave Goldsboro. The report date on his orders was June 30, but that's cutting things a little close for our taste. Justin's pretty confident he can get the date pushed back to July 30. We'll be three hours from my parents, which will be good, but the town itself leaves many things to be desired. But, all in all, it is good news.
4. I'm not methodical about checking my weight, but I've gained six pounds in the last two weeks. At least, I think it's only been two weeks. And that's all I'm going to say about that. Go, baby, go.