
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Playing with semantics

You all have convinced me that inspiration is not as straightforward as I had thought. Jill commented that she was easily motivated but not easily inspired. I found that interesting because I think of motivation as being harder to come by than inspiration. My interpretation is that a person can be inspired without necessarily acting, but to be motivated implies that there has been or will be action. Shannon was contemplating something similar on her blog, asking what it takes for inspiration to translate into action--especially long-term action. So I figured it was time to dig a little deeper.

Merriam-Webster gave me more definitions of inspiration than I wanted, but two of them best capture my interpretation of the word: "the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions" and "the act of influencing or suggesting opinions." So inspiration moves us and has the potential to influence us. Personally, I've found that if I don't dwell on moments of inspiration, I will pretty much immediately forget all about it and very little influence is involved. I'm not sure I've managed to clarify anything with this post, but if you've changed or added to your ideas of what inspires you, I'd love to read your thoughts.

This post has been much more dry than I would have liked, so I'll leave one last question, just for fun. Justin's out flying tonight and I haven't made too many friends here yet, so I'm home alone attempting to entertain myself. When you're home alone and don't want to be and have nothing left to cross of your to-do list, what do you do to pass the time?


Shannon Ambroson said...

I read! I suggest the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer and I promise when you're bored and pick it up you won't be bored any longer. I also write, dance, play video games, watch movies... and sometimes just sit and think.

I don't have a lot of friends here either and Chris was gone a lot over the past couple weeks. So I definitely had a lot of time to fill... and I have to admit I did a lot of sitting around thinking about what to do rather than just starting something. It almost seems like the more time you have the less you actually do...

Lisa said...

Yeah, I've been reading a little bit too, but not like I was in Del Rio. I need to make a trip to the library. I've heard a lot of good things about the Twilight series. Maybe that should be my next project.

And...Seriously! It is so baffling to me that more free time = less motivation to get anything meaningful accomplished. I think it's a kind of rebellion against the concept of filling time. Time should be more than something that just needs to be filled.

Kate Walz said...

I work on my book. But that requires beaucoup motivation and inspiration, so I spend a lot of time just flipping thru classical history books.

That just reads 'lame'. Sigh.

Lisa said...

Nah. How else are you supposed to write well about Greek mythology if you don't know it inside and out?

Bayloretta said...

I would have to agree with Shannon that the Twilight series is a good time-filler for when the boys are gone. I also have to admit that I search for all the late night disaster shows on Discovery. I just can't get enough of tsunamis wiping out the entire Eastern seaboard and mega-twisters demolishing Dallas.

Lisa said...

Well, we don't have cable, and I did go to the base library to try to check out the first Twilight book, but apparently the base copy is damaged and they are waiting on a new one to come. I will get to it one day.

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