
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Cast your vote

I'm tempted to say it's been an icky day. But really, it hasn't been all bad, and it can't be because my friend Joanna is getting married today.

Happy wedding day, Joanna and Ryan!!!
I hope it's been a truly glorious day.

So today I have had a sore throat, which I have the privilege of sharing with my dear husband. Really, as someone who works from home in my pajamas half the time, I have no reason to complain about being slightly ill. Justin, however, does not work from home and is flying tonight.

Then there's the project I took on, supposedly for the month of June, that is still rearing its ugly head from time to time. Most of today has been devoted to it. It's been a nice source of income, but the project is turning into a royal pain. The problem with editing is that there is ALWAYS more that can be done. But at some point, authors and editors just need to call it a day. And it's hard to turn your writing over to someone else. This wasn't meant to be a post about my somewhat mundane editing job (I'm okay with the low glam factor), but now I want to share one story with you anyway. When I worked as an editor in DC, one of our first-time authors (a college professor, no less) was so flustered about having editors chop away at the book she had written with such loving care that she wrote to tell us that in one particularly bad fit of worry, she had driven to work only to discover she was not wearing any shoes.

But on to the real reason for today's post. I found out today that the Air Force will be leaving me spouse-less for the first two weeks in September as Justin goes on his first overseas adventure to Turkey. Justin's mom and grandparents were planning to come visit during that time (and if you're reading this, we'll be calling later to figure out what Plan B should be, I promise), so the timing is not ideal, but as far as I'm concerned there's never an ideal time for Justin to leave. Obviously I wish he could always be around, but his absences are made worse by the fact that I am a total wuss when it comes to being left to myself for any significant length of time. I'm sure you all know this about me. I have to be around people!

But lest I give the impression I am sitting around sulking, let me assure you that is not the case. I'm trying to figure out where I should go while I'm "unattached." The one wrench in my planning is that I will have to put in 40 hours of work from Aug 29 to Sept 9. Any suggestions?


Shannon Ambroson said...

The writing and editing processes are most definitely stressful. It really is both liberating and deathly frightening to hand your words over to someone else. It's the same way when you are the one being relied on to make those words better. But it's what we do. It's what we sign up for :)

I'm sorry Justin's leaving so soon. I'm sure it won't be so bad after you've gone through a few, but until then you bet it'll probably suck. You could just hang out at home and find things to do... or maybe go visit family? Frequent a cafe or a park nearby? Rent movies, play video games and sing really loud to whatever music you want -- that's what I did when Chris was gone for about a week ;)

My phone still works if all else fails. You can always call and complain to me :)

Kate Walz said...

Travel somewhere fabulous and practice being by yourself!

Go out to Colorado or up to Maine and hole up and get your work done and then hike and explore and shop: ON YOUR OWN.

I give you 6 hours before you call someone.

Nikki + AJ said...

Awww sweetie, I am trying to think of things for you to do during that time. I am THE WORST at spending time alone. It actually fills my life with more anxiety than anything else! And when I try to take a walk or something, I feel even more alone! Maybe take the time to reconnect with people that you haven't spoken to in a while? If you can't travel, perhaps just make a list of people to call (or write snail mail to, that's always special) and make a point to reach out to all of them? Perhaps volunteer somewhere for a day? Or sell a bunch of stuff on ebay? I'll keep trying to think of something...