I feel honored. I've been "tagged" by the talented April Way. My first tag!
Here are the rules:
Link the Person who Tagged you.
Mention rules on your blog.
Tell about 6 quirks of yours.
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
Leave a comment to let them know.
Personally, I think whoever tagged April should have amended the rules to say that she had to post six of her most loved recipes. ;-) But, onto quirks.
1. I ran competively from 8th grade until the end of college, and during that time (between injuries) I ran pretty much on a daily basis. For that reason, I naturally got in the habit of taking a shower after running. Pretty much the only time I ever needed to shower was after a run. These days, I'm lucky if I get to run four times a week, and yet, I still feel like if I haven't run, I must not need a shower. Justin disagrees. He is usually right on that point.
2. I prefer even numbers, and I like to eat things that come in small units (such as chocolate chips or M&Ms) in pairs. Also, I respect Roy G. Biv when eating M&Ms. I eat them according to the color spectrum (Fortunately there are six colors--an even number. Whew.), and since brown isn't on the spectrum, I eat it first. Because blue is, after all, the best and deserves to be eaten last.
3. I must have chocolate, or at least sugar, every single day. And let's face it, pretty much at some point during every single meal. (And as long as we're on the subject of food, I would just like to say, April, that I am with you 100%. Why ruin a good cereal by making it soggy with milk? I'll eat my cereal and drink my glass of milk, thank you very much. And seeing as how April is on her way to becoming a world class chef, I feel comfortable following her lead.)
4. I'm not at all coordinated. I can't do a cartwheel (Please, just trust me on this. No matter how good a teacher you are, it's too late for me. I can't be saved.), and I really, really can't dance. I have no moves, and I always feel self-conscious. I blame it on a boy I once liked who, back when I didn't know I couldn't dance, threw coins at my feet during a middle school dance when I was obliviously spinning in circles by myself in the corner. It scarred me for life, and I personally believe it's a small miracle I survived my wedding reception.
5. I HATE packing. Something in me revolts at the very thought. As a result, I pack at the absolute last second and drive all of my loved ones crazy as they wonder if it will be possible for us to leave before the last feasible second. Which we usually don't. Also, if I am by myself, I have an unexplainable fear of being early and am almost always five or ten minutes late.
6. I like to sleep on the edge of the bed, with my toes hanging off the side. It makes me happy.
Shannon, Laura, (I know April already tagged you two already, but we're still waiting for your updates!) Jill, Beth Ann, Haley, and Melissa...you're it!
absolutely cute! and thank you so much for the super sweet comment about me being 'talented', that made me feel pretty darn cool...my 15 minutes of fame ;)
That is too funny that you know exactly how many colors of m&m's there are (in the typical bag anyways). I would like to see what colors you went for at the m&m's store in Vegas! If you haven't gone, you should!!
Thanks for re-tagging Laura; she finally wrote hers!
yes, the blue m&ms are definitely meant to be eaten last...and i sleep on the edge and hang my feet off the bed too. unfortunately frankie believes that the edge is his side so i sleep as close as possible with my arm around him so i don't knock him off
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