
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wild and crazy Friday nights

Let it not be said that I don't know how to let loose on a Friday night.

This past Friday, a newly purchased steam cleaner arrived on our doorstep. So, naturally, I spent the night trying it out. Justin said he felt like he was dreaming. I was alternating between cooking and cleaning (for probably the first time in our four years of marriage). If I had been wearing high heals, I would have been the model wife. But I have to say that it was a night well spent because our carpet and rugs are now spotless.

BA, I strongly considered taking a picture of the dirty water and ridiculous pile of pet hair that the cleaner accumulated as a mock pic for the 30-day photo challenge, but I refrained. Like the mature adult that I am...too sophisticated for such shenanigans. Or maybe because the idea of putting such a picture on the Internet for the world to see creeped me out. Either way, you're welcome.