
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's time to break the cycle

There's a stubborn epidemic persisting in the world today. One that would have been quashed decades ago if only people had had the good sense to listen to the "experts" and adapt instead of passing on outdated habits to younger, malleable generations.

Yes, my friends, I am talking about that haunting phenomenon creating "rivers" of white space on Web pages, memos, and e-mails all over the world--adding two spaces after a period. A habit born with the now mostly defunct monospaced type. Don't be a victim, my friends. I've been fighting this battle for years. So you can imagine how encouraged I was to see my convictions voiced in glorious, single-spaced print.

Learn, adapt, and for the love of future generations, please don't be responsible for passing on this epidemic to our innocent children.


Kate Walz said...

NERD! I like your new background. Looks like your wedding invitations

Lisa said...


Thanks! That's one reason I like the background. Happy memories.